TRANSFER Procedure

TRANSFER Procedure

Hey guys, how many seats are available in lums for transfer? I want to transfer from cui to lums.. also, what's the syllabus for Lcat?

Check one of the latest brewery jobs available, Counter Weight Brewing is hiring a CT Southern Sales Representative (Cheshire, CT, USA) #breweryjobsdotcom #breweries #craftbeer

SUMMRS DRUMKIT (750+ Oneshots, MIDI and FREE loops!)


It's so good-?

Like damn

You're not ready for what's next on Netflix.

You're not ready for what's next on Netflix.

Friend’s brother snagged this. Any guesses on value?

Disability Hacks sub

Check out my new sub where eople can share various disability hacks that they have found. Some really easy ones that I have found are simple like wearing a fanny pack and being able to hold lots of stuff while I'm sitting. Using puppy pads instead of expensive incontinence pads on my wheelchair or bed. Various items for dogs I have found like cooling vests or towels.

Any kind interesting gadgets or repurposed things to help around the house or out and about. Think about joining if you want.


"> Check out my new sub where eople can share various disability hacks that they have found. Some really easy ones that I have found are simple like wearing a fanny pack and being able to hold lots of stuff while I'm sitting. Using puppy pads instead of expensive incontinence pads on my wheelchair or bed. Various items for dogs I have found like cooling vests or towels. Any kind interesting gadgets or repurposed things to help around the house or out and about. Think about joining if you want. r/DisabilityHacks

[xbox] W: golden order seal +10 H: +Karma (need soon)

Air pockets with PLA-CF // A1 Bambulab // Hardened steel 0.6 nozzle

Air pockets with PLA-CF // A1 Bambulab // Hardened steel 0.6 nozzle

Hi everybody, does anybody have an idea, how to get rid of these airpockets/ holes on the more detailed parts of the print?

I am using a Bambu Lab A1 with PLA-CF and a hardened steel 0.6 nozzle.

Might the nozzle size be the reason for these little inaccuracies?

New to this and happy about any tips!

"> Hi everybody, does anybody have an idea, how to get rid of these airpockets/ holes on the more detailed parts of the print? I am using a Bambu Lab A1 with PLA-CF and a hardened steel 0.6 nozzle. Might the nozzle size be the reason for these little inaccuracies? New to this and happy about any tips!

Check one of the latest brewery jobs available, Counter Weight Brewing is hiring a CT Southern Sales Representative (Cheshire, CT, USA) #breweryjobsdotcom #breweries #craftbeer

Strada Aggregates Inc

After I travelled to Paris, Berlin and Rome

I phoned my doctor and told him I'm "in continent"

Pre-Made Presentations?

Hello, does anyone know of any open source premade presentations? I'm looking to present in front of a group of real estate agents RE retirement planning and wanted to see if anyone had a source so that I don't have to start from scratch. Ideally I'd like to buy or find one on SEP IRAs, T/R IRAs, business planning, etc. Anyone have any ideas?


* []( * **Preshave:** Shower shaver * **Lather:** Moon Soap Warmest Regards * **Razor:** Henson Ti22 mild * **Blade:** Feather (4) * **Brush:** Parker Arctic Storm * **Post Shave:** Thayer's Facial Toner, Thayer's Hydrating MilkyToner The soap is very good. Here are the scent notes from the website: Scent notes: Warmest Regards is a blend of **Amber, Tonka, Oud, Rum,** and **Musk.** I tend to like soaps that have tallow. Although, non-tallow soaps I have do a great job.

Mecbur kaldım

Mutter ü 60 Fristlos die Wohnung gekündigt

Hallo miteinander, ich möchte euch über die Ereignisse erzählen, die vor der fristlosen Kündigung meiner Mutter stattgefunden haben: # 1. Vorgeschichte: * Vor zwei Jahren verstarb der Vermieter meiner Mutter. * Das Mehrfamilienhaus (vier Wohnungen, drei davon bewohnt) sollte von der Erbengemeinschaft verkauft werden. * Ein potenzieller Käufer wurde gefunden und fragte die Mieter nach offenen Forderungen. * Meine Mutter hatte eine offene Forderung von knapp 10K, die erst beim Auszug fällig wird (u. a. für große Renovierungsarbeiten, eine neue Tür etc.). * Der neue Käufer erhielt Kopien (Nach Aufforderung von ihm) von zwei Verträgen über diese Forderungen, die beim Auszug gelten (ca. 15 Jahre alt). * Diese Verträge hatte meine Mutter damals selbst aufgesetzt, der verstorbene Vermieter hatte sie unterzeichnet. * Es war üblich, dass meine Mutter für ihn Schriftstücke verfasste, die er dann unterzeichnete (insgesamt ca. 20 Dokumente in den vergangenen Jahren). # 2. Entwicklung der Situation: * Monatelang passierte nichts. * Anfang Januar erhielt meine Mutter einen Brief von der Polizei, in dem ihr Urkundenfälschung vorgeworfen wurde. * Ein Anwalt wurde eingeschaltet, dieser wartet aktuell noch auf Akteneinsicht. * Ein Monat später kam eine fristlose Kündigung – ohne Datum! * Im Schreiben heißt es lediglich: *„Das Schreiben wurde im Beisein der beiden Unterzeichner eingeworfen.“* * Die Kündigung wird begründet mit: *„Durch Ihr Verhalten haben Sie das Vertrauensverhältnis schwerwiegend verletzt.“* * Zusätzlich wird angeboten, dass sie eine Räumungsfrist bis Ende April bekommt, falls sie innerhalb von 10 Tagen schriftlich der Kündigung zustimmt. * Das Schreiben ist nur von zwei Personen unterzeichnet, die sich als „Stellvertreter“ der Erbengemeinschaft bezeichnen. # Mir ist bewusst, dass hier versucht wird, Druck auszuüben, um meine Mutter um Geld zu prellen, das Haus ohne sie verkaufen zu können und mit Panikmache Sie zu einer Kündigung zu bringen die dann hinterher als "Sie hat ja selbst gekündigt" auszulegen. Die weiteren Nachbarn haben bis jetzt noch keine Kündigung bekommen (Ihre war heute im Briefkasten), es wurde aber andere schikanen gesetzt. z.B ist der Schornsteinfeger seit 2 Jahren nicht mehr im Haus gewesen da die Erbgemeinschaft in einem Gespräch gesagt hat "Ne die wollen uns nur abzocken" Türschloss wird nicht repariert (Türe für den Hauseingang) Sicherungskasten im Hausflur liegt im sterben Bei einer Nachbarin (Allein Erziehend mit 2 Kindern) funktioniert seit 5 Monaten die Heizung nicht mehr, was Sie Telefonisch dann schriftlich und dann per Einschreiben der Erbgemeinschaft gemeldet hat - keine Reaktion. Es ist also deutlich das nicht investiert wird und man nur noch verkaufen möchte. Leider ist es schwer meine Mutter zu beruhigen da einer der Erben die in der Kündigung unterzeichnet haben tief in der hiesigen Politik verankert ist und laut Stadt genuschel es öfters vorkommt das da eine Hand die andere Wäscht und keine sauber bleibt. Meine Mutter möchte ja auch ausziehen, gar keine frage aber hier eine gescheite Wohnung zu finden dauert etwas, wir sind fleissig am suchen. Am Montag wird Sie Kontakt mit ihrem Anwalt haben, meine Frage an euch ist was wird nun auf sie zukommen ? Wird tatsächlich ein Richter eine Räumungsklage bewilligen ? Würde mich freuen wenn ihr meiner Mutter helfen könnt :)

Should I heat the screw up?

I needed to exchange the battery inside my red dot, however I couldn't unscrew the right screw off. The left one went easily, but I think I overtightened the right one when I was putting the red dot onto the red dot plate. The allen key is just skipping the cuts and doesn't do the unscrewing. I'm using the allen key which comes with the Uni holster.

"> I needed to exchange the battery inside my red dot, however I couldn't unscrew the right screw off. The left one went easily, but I think I overtightened the right one when I was putting the red dot onto the red dot plate. The allen key is just skipping the cuts and doesn't do the unscrewing. I'm using the allen key which comes with the Uni holster.

50 Free Loops from 1924

The numbers don't lie - there's a reason why 10,000+ customers rate 5 stars and use it as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

The numbers don't lie - there's a reason why 10,000+ customers rate 5 stars and use it as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

How do i improve essay writing

So I recently did English lit paper 1 PPEs and got it back. I got 37/60 which isnt horrible but im disappointed bc i love English sm but im js not good at it. In the pages my teacher kept writing "so much potential" BUT IDK WHAT TO DO. Its so annoying being capped at a level 5 For essay writing i have the ideas in the head but idk how to actually put it in a page. when im in lesson the analysis ideas flow right through but when im in the exam i have no idea what to write. When my teacher writes model paragraphs i understand it perfectly but when it comes down to actually writing idk what to do. It might be bc my vocabulary is lacking. If so 1. How do improve/ What books should i read to improve my essay writing 2. How to improve my vocabulary (ive been reading books but theyre more for entertainment)

Disability Insurance: Pre-Existing Medical Condition

Hi everyone, I am a first-year dental associate (’23 graduate) and I am looking into purchasing disability insurance. I had a spinal injury in late 2020 and have not moved forward with submitting any applications due to the fear of receiving that first rejection.  In October 2020 I injured my spine while moving furniture (I have learned from my mistakes). I had MRIs which revealed herniated discs in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions of my spine. I was in physical therapy from February 2021- September 2021. Luckily, I did not need surgery. I have fully healed and have not had any medical visits regarding my spine since September 2021. I have a few questions: 1.        From reading the posts on here, it seems as though once you get denied by a company, obtaining a policy becomes significantly more difficult. Ultimately, I would like to speak with someone who is not affiliated with an insurance company to discuss my case. Does anyone know an individual or group that fields these types of inquires? 2.        Does anyone know of any GSI disability plans that are available for dentists in a non-hospital setting? 3.        I have considered making an appointment with the physiatrist who handled my case so I can have in writing that I have fully healed. But I am not sure whether this is a good idea. Any thoughts on this? 4.        Has anyone been in a similar situation or knows someone that has gone through something similar?  Any insights, guidance or recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thank you for the help.

Is this okay for the Femme Fever Valentine's Day party?

HELP!! How should I dress? Travelling to Tunisia during Ramadan

Hi guys! I’m a woman travelling to Tunisia very soon. I’ve been trying to find out the dress code but I keep getting mixed responses. I plan on going to the medina, exploring Monastir and also doing a few activities. Some have said cover your shoulders, legs and bust and others have said that I should wear whatever I want. I don’t want to disrespect the culture or cause offence. I want to present respectfully I appreciate your help❤️

Crosspost source test for 2025-01-31 16:52:51

Crosspost source test for 2025-01-31 16:52:51

Today I watched. Movie suggestion # 5

So just finished watching Shiva Baby and it's hilarious in a very subtle way. A girl, her sugar daddy and her ex girlfriend meets up in a funeral and situation keeps getting awkward. To add more clumsiness to the situation the sugar daddy's wife and kid aslo shows up and the situation keeps getting out of hand

Name: Shiva Baby

Platform: Amazon Prime

RT ratings: 96%

"> So just finished watching Shiva Baby and it's hilarious in a very subtle way. A girl, her sugar daddy and her ex girlfriend meets up in a funeral and situation keeps getting awkward. To add more clumsiness to the situation the sugar daddy's wife and kid aslo shows up and the situation keeps getting out of hand Name: Shiva Baby Platform: Amazon Prime RT ratings: 96%

Mcmaster Honours Health Sci Question

Hi! I just wanted to ask, the stated grade cutoff is a 90%, so that means every required course must be at least 90% right? Like if your overall average is in the 90s but you got a 89 in English you wouldn't get admission, right?

Welp an quitting weed to stop hppd

Gotta quit because of derealization episodes, will i ever be able to smoke again?

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